Dog Detection Services

“Our dogs are 98% accurate in finding bed bugs”
K9 Detection Services, LLC offers bed bug detection through out the tristate including but not limited to Newburgh, Evansville, Henderson, Owensboro, Vincennes, Indianapolis, Paducah, Centrilla, and everywhere in between. We provide an unbiased scent detection inspection in which we deploy our own dogs to find bedbugs and mold. Our dogs are 98% accurate in finding bed bugs, where a typical visual inspection is only 30% accurate. All handlers and dogs are employed through K9 Detection Services, LLC and therefore do not have a vested interest in actually finding anything.
A canine inspection takes mere minutes, when a pest control company comes out and does a visual inspection they take much longer and are far less accurate. Our handlers are trained to come in, do a visual inspection and run the dogs for scent detection. Our inspections take less time and are comparably more accurate, therefore saving you time and money.
Due to the resurgence of bed bugs, local businesses and home owners have turned to K9 Detection Services, LLC to assist in the eradication of bed bugs. Through our maintenance program local facilities such as; hotels, schools, universities, airports, apartment complexes, movie theaters, libraries, resorts, hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living homes, day cares, jails, medical facilities, restaurants, department stores, fraternity/sorority houses, furniture shops, resale shops, and residential homes have been able to provide a bed bug free environment.