Who Needs Our Services
Everyone can benefit from bed bug detection services!

98% Accurate Detection
We offer an unbiased service. You see, we are not selling any further product so detection is our only goal. Also if you have had treatment for bed bugs the most accurate and effective way to tell if they were really eradicated is with our dogs nose. A canine is 98% accurate at detecting bedbugs where a human is only 30% accurate.
Home Owners
Bed bugs don’t care if you are rich, poor, dirty, or clean. They will take up residence anywhere and not just in beds. For peace of mind if you are buying a home, call K-9 Detection Services, LLC before buying a new home or to inspect your current home. When you buy a home you get a whole house inspection and termite inspection, why not have a bed bug inspection as well? This can save you time and money later on down the road.

Stay Open For Business!
Business Owners
If you are a property manager or own a business with common areas, you can’t afford a bed bug infestation. Call K-9 Detection Services and we’ll bring the dog to you. We don’t rely on the human eye due to the probability of error. Humans can’t see beyond the walls or in the mattresses but a dogs nose doesn’t lie.
Everyone Else
Bed bug are not found only in hotels. Schools, universities, airports, apartment complexes, movie theaters, libraries, resorts, hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living homes, day cares, jails, medical facilities, restaurants, department stores, fraternity/sorority houses, furniture shops, resale shops, and residential homes, can all use our services.